Why Auction?
In today's market, the auction method of selling real estate and personal property is rapidly coming into focus as the most expedient means of converting assets into cash. Auctions are rapidly growing because people are learning that when you sell at public auction, the spotlight of publicity is focused on your property, setting it apart from all others on auction day. This publicity brings together interested buyers who bid competitively and that competition stimulates prices as no other marketing method can. Consider this: Selling at auction is the only way by which it is possible for you to receive more than you wanted for your property! We make every effort to answer your questions and explain the entire auction process to you before you sign the auction agreement. When you have decided to sell, an auction contract is signed and an auction date and time are chosen. Lewis Auction Co. immediately starts preparing for your auction. We know that preparation insures a successful auction.
If you have personal property, machinery, or equipment to sell, a complete inventory will be made. Our auction crew will prepare the merchandise for auction by, displaying the property so that top dollar is obtained.
After the auction, you will promptly receive a check within an agreed amount of time. Usually we settle up with the seller within 30 days after the auction.
Lewis Auction Co. knows what it takes to promote a successful auction. We offer the most advanced methods of presentation for your property. We also pride ourselves on providing a complete auction service. Basically, we take care of every detail from start to finish.
Our auction team includes: experienced professional auctioneers, real estate brokers, licensed real estate appraisers, clerks, cashiers, ring personnel and clerical staff. Regardless of size, each auction receives the same considerate and professional attention. Huge crowds, record breaking prices and professional auctioneers are some of the comments from our completely satisfied sellers.
Lewis Auction Co. specializes in:
- Real Estate Auctions
- Land and Farm Auctions
- Estate Auctions
- Antiques and Personal property auctions

Various forms of advertising are utilized depending upon the real estate or personal property you have to sell. With every auction, large auction signs indicating auction date and time are placed on property and intersections approximately three weeks prior to auction day. Newspaper ads with photos are placed in local and statewide newspapers. These ads will highlight the real estate and give a detailed and complete inventory of the personal property. Catalogs or auction brochures will be printed and mailed to perspective buyers.
Lewis Auction Co. has an extensive mailing list of real estate investors, land buyers, antique and fine furniture buyers, farm machinery and equipment buyers, and collectors of just about everything.
We know how to draw large crowds which results in higher prices for the seller. If appropriate, videos are sent to out-of-town buyers and television and radio advertisements are used. Your auction will also be on the internet displayed on several auction websites including Facebook.
Top 10 Reasons to Have an Auction

- 10. Cash to the seller
- 9. No long listing contracts
- 8. Property sells in 30 days
- 7. You pick the auction date
- 6. Real Estate and Personal Property can be sold the same day
- 5. Competitive bidding between buyers
- 4. You can set a minimum price
- 3. Highlighted over other properties
- 2. Motivates qualified buyers
And the Number 1 Reason You Should Have An Auction:
It Is The Only Way You Can Get More For Your Property Than You Want!
The Lewis Auction Co. Team Would Appreciate The Opportunity To Add You To Our Long List of Satisfied Customers.